Welcome to Fallingedgemusic.com

Welcome to Fallingedgemusic.com

Welcome to the official web space of Falling Edge. The music player on the right has the opening track (Social Engineering) of our upcoming CD release.

On that note, we’ve had a lot of people asking us about the release date of the CD, and unfortunately there’s no easy answer to that question. Here’s the tentative song list and the status of each one:

1. Social Engineering – recorded and mixed; awaiting mastering

2. Crippled by Fear – guitar tracks laid down

3. Not That Far Away – recorded and mixed; awaiting mastering

4. Next Time Around – ready to record, just smoothing out some rough edges

5. I, Awake – TBA

The album will be about 55 minutes in length, which means we’ve got some fairly lengthy pieces in there. Keep checking back, as we will be posting updates about the album’s status as they become available. Join the RSS feed and you’ll be notified automatically! Feel free to use the blog to post your comments or questions.


Falling Edge

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