Big 3 at rehearsal, drum recording soon?
We sailed through Social Engineering, Crippled by Fear, and I, Awake at rehearsal on Monday with relative ease. Since these are the longest and most complicated of our songs, the band was relieved at finally being on top of them and discussions turned to potential gig opportunities now that we can actually perform these things with a real keyboard player! The plan is to continue to fine tune these songs and begin adding the remaining 2 (Next Time Around and Not that far away) in the coming weeks so that by summer we’ll be more than gig ready.
On the recording front, we are hoping to begin recording drums in the next few weeks. We realize that hope has been posted before, but this time it looks like it might actually happen! Seriously though, there’s not a lot of point in hitting that record button unless things are absolutely bang on, and with a song as complex as I, Awake that`s no small feat. Kevin is happy with his performances at rehearsal, but has chosen to fine tune his parts a bit more before recording.
Falling Edge