More work on new songs

More work on new songs

The band continued working on The Lost Journal and Sex for Sale this week at rehearsal, this time focusing more on drum arrangements. Both of these songs are nearly done now, with only one more section needing to be arranged in Sex for Sale. Of course, we won’t start recording these for a little while yet, as we always like to jam the songs out for a while after the details are worked out. Usually a few things get added or adjusted along the way, and we’d rather delay the onset of recording than miss out on some of the more subtle additions. We’ll now likely spend the next few rehearsals actually playing these first 3 songs (the aforementioned plus Minstrel in the Corner, which is also essentially finished) straight through now that we don’t need to stop and work on arrangements. This will tighten up the performance of the songs and get everyone in the groove for future recording.


Falling Edge

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