Falling Edge will continue
2016 04 22:
Quick update: The fifth song for the upcoming album is very near completion. At over 11 minutes, it’s another long one, and I’ve also finished up another acoustic piece. My hope is to have about 10 or so pieces for acoustic guitar written so that I can choose which would best suit the album.
Also, the pieces written and recorded by Andy Tattersall and myself are now available at ChrisRupert.ca for anyone who’d like to check them out, and if you’re interested in checking out the art exhibit, it opens May 13, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. and runs until July 10 at the Thames Art Gallery, located at 75 William Street North, Chatham, Ontario.
Chris Rupert of Falling Edge
2016 03 29:
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to do some improvised composition with Andy Tatersall, a jazz guitarist whose playing I’ve admired for some time now. The project was inspired by artist and photographer Holly King. The multimedia project brought together artists, photographers, writers, and musicians together to collaborate on a series of different works which would later be photographed. Andy and I spent some time looking at the individual works, and then improvised as many short pieces as we could in the given time frame. We came up with 8 tunes, which we recorded on Andy’s phone (so we wouldn’t forget them) and later gave them a proper recording. I’m pretty happy with the things we came up with, especially since they were so spur of the moment. The mixing is very near to completion, and I’ll post the final products on my solo music site ChrisRupert.ca as soon as they’re done. For those interested in checking out the actual art exhibit (which will feature listening stations with our music at each piece), the show opens on May 13, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. and runs until July 10 at the Thames Art Gallery, located at 75 William Street North, Chatham, Ontario.
Chris Rupert of Falling Edge
2016 03 02:
Check out the interview with Falling Edge’s Chris Rupert at the Concert Closet Arena.
Writing for the 3rd album is progressing well, and I’ve got 4 songs that are pretty much ready to record. I’ve also written a couple of acoustic pieces, and I’m hoping to have several more done by the time I get down to recording, one of which I’ll include on the album. I’ll be starting work on the next acoustic piece in the next day or two.
Chris Rupert of Falling Edge
2016 02 02:
By now I`m sure most people have suspected and others have figured out that Falling Edge as a band no longer exists. After surviving years of personnel changes, I`m the only one left in the band (is it still a band if it only has one member?) that I formed with Kevin Teatreault, Tim Bork, and Don McClellan 12 years ago.
Although I prefer to have a band to contribute to the writing process (and, obviously, to play live) I`m finding that writing and recording moves along well without, and I`ve been happy with the results. I`ve decided to keep writing and recording new music, which will be much in the same vein as what I`ve done with the band in the past. As to whether to keep the name, friends and supporters have suggested that I should, and I tend to agree with them. For now at least, Falling Edge will continue on with only one member, although I have been approached by a couple of people who have expressed interest in filling the place of my departed bandmates. We`ll see where that goes.
After the release of Convergence at Fossil Falls, I spent some time promoting the new album, then took a little time to regroup. In January I began writing material for the next album, and with some material I wrote during the Convergence era, I`ve got 3 songs written. I`d also like to include another solo guitar piece on this album, so I`ve been writing some material for that as well. As always, I`ll keep you posted on my progress.
Chris Rupert of Falling Edge