Album update, Tedx Appearance
Thought I’d take a break from working on demos to get everyone updated on what’s been going on lately. I’ve spent the last few weeks finishing up the lyrics for the last song, and after completing them, I went back over all the material I have for this album, and realized that one of the songs still needed more lyrics, so I’ve been working and re-working them as well. In the process of going through the other songs, I decided to work on finalizing the original demos that I recorded so that everything would be ready to go when I start recording, which hopefully will be soon.
In performance news, I’ll be teaming up with former Falling Edge keyboard player Steve Kubica for a rare live appearance at the Tedx Chatham-Kent conference at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre in Chatham on Oct. 20, 2016. As you may know, the TedTalks series involves people giving talks on various contemporary issues which last a maximum of 18 minutes. Steve and I are tentatively booked for the 3:50 slot, and although we (probably thankfully) won’t be talking for 18 minutes, we will be playing a couple of Falling Edge songs with a few minutes to spare to grace the audience with some gems of wisdom from a musical perspective. Tickets are still available, but are 60% sold at last report, so if you plan on going, don’t delay. More information including location and ticket sales can be found at the Tedx Chatham-Kent website. Hope to see you there.
Chris Rupert of Falling Edge