
Update – We’re still here!

Update – We’re still here!

I just realized that it’s been several months since our last post so I thought I’d better give everyone an update on our current status. After recording our most recent single You Will Survive we began working on our next song,  Back in the Day, and are very close to having the drum parts written and ready to record. While Rob’s been working on that, I went into a writing frenzy and we now have no less than 6 new songs ready to arrange with a 7th in progress. We’re hoping to have some new material out soon, so keep coming back to check out our progress.

Chris Rupert of Falling Edge

You Will Survive vocals recorded; Wasserman to contribute bass

You Will Survive vocals recorded; Wasserman to contribute bass

Quick update on what we’re currently working on – Rob recorded his vocal parts for our upcoming single You Will Survive last night. With Chris’s vocals already recorded, along with drums and guitar, the only thing left to track is the bass parts. We’re happy to announce that upright bass player Garry Wasserman will be handling the bass for this latest song. Garry has already recorded some bass for this song, so we should be able to release it fairly soon.

Falling Edge